FIPL grant success

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our application for a grant under DEFRA’s new Farming in Protected Landscapes programme for 175 barn owl, little owl and kestrel boxes to be installed this winter in the North Cotswolds. We are working with over 30 farms and estates…

Christ Church Peregrines Update

Many thanks to Dave Pearce for updating his chronicles of the Peregrines of Christ Church since 2010. The revised document is now available to download here. Dave is already looking forward to the coming season as we look forward to hearing his insightful observations.

Goshawk Monitoring Project

Members of the Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group (GRMG) have been monitoring the county’s Goshawk population for over 20 years, gathering a wealth of information on the distribution of breeding pairs, timing of breeding and productivity. The Goshawk’s secretive lifestyle has, however, limited the number of ringing recoveries to a handful…