Our Winter Talks are up and running again and the first one is part of the launch of a major new book about the species, written by two Gloucestershire-based raptor enthusiasts, Richard Sale and Steve Watson. Using brilliant new video footage and photographs, Steve and Richard will give a detailed insight into the contents of the book, including new information about this charismatic raptor. You will learn something new about Peregrines, perhaps about plumage, diet, distribution or flight and behaviour.
Running to 528 pages, ‘The Peregrine Falcon’ is a very comprehensive book, covering all nineteen subspecies that occur across the world. There are 150 full colour photographs and 235 figures and tables.
Signed copies of the book will be available at the talk at a special price of £45 (normal price for unsigned copies is £50 plus P&P). Cash or cards accepted.
Date: Wednesday 30th November, 7:30pm (doors open 7pm)
Venue: British Legion Social Club, Green Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester, GL2 4QA
There’s a bar, and under-18s must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are £7 each plus a small booking fee (full-time students half-price, and under-18s free) and are available via EventBrite via this link:-
GRMG Presents: The Peregrine Falcon Tickets, Wed 30 Nov 2022 at 19:30 | Eventbrite
For further information about ‘The Peregrine Falcon’ by Richard Sale and Steve Watson, see this PDF.
Also please ‘Save the Date’ of January 11th for the next GRMG talk when EMMY award-winning wildlife
cameraman and author James Aldred will talk about his book “The Goshawk Summer”, which won the 2022
Wainwright Award for Nature Writing.