City Falcons – the Rise of the Urban Peregrine
Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group’s popular programme of talks continues on Thursday 6th March, when Ed Drewitt will talk about “City Falcons – the Rise of Urban Peregrines”. Ed is one of the group’s key fieldworkers, ringing raptors and training other ringers. He is a freelance naturalist and learning consultant and specialises in taking people out…
The Return of the Red Kite – January 29th
Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group’s popular programme of winter talks continues on Wednesday 29th January, when Keith Betton will talk about the remarkable spread of the Red Kite since its reintroduction and share his insights into the biology and ecology of this charismatic species, which is now such a familiar sight…
Christchurch Peregrines 2024
Many thanks to Dave Pearce for an update on the Peregrines at Christchurch after a disappointing couple of years, including the first documented account (that Dave is aware of) of a female coming in and frightening off our sitting female & also an interesting copulation in front of the box….
First winter talk for 2024/25 – Winter Raptors of the Cotswolds
We’re delighted to announce the start of our programme of winter talks for 2024/25, at the Royal British Legion Club in Hardwicke, GL2 4QA. The first one is on Thursday 21st November, when Richard Tyler will talk about Winter Raptors of the Cotswolds – many of you will remember Richard’s excellent talk on…
Tree-nesting Peregrines
Like all falcons, Peregrines do not build a nest of their own. They nest on a ledge or scrape on a cliff, quarry or building, sometimes using the old nests of other species in those locations; for example, in Gloucestershire we have had them nesting in old Raven nests on…
Our next talk: “Return of the White-tailed Eagle and Osprey”
We had a packed house for our recent excellent talk by Gareth Jones – it was great to see so many of you there. Our next talk (the last of this winter) is on Thursday 22nd February and we are delighted to welcome Dr Tim Mackrill who will talk about…
Volunteer tree climbers wanted
We are looking for Qualified Tree Climbers (CS38 or equivalent) to volunteer with us this Spring/Summer in Gloucestershire to assist us with ringing raptor young. Bird handling training will be provided If you’re interested in joining our friendly team and supporting our consavation work, please get in [email protected]
“A Close Up On Raptors” with Gareth Jones – 11th Jan
We’ve had some great feedback about Anthony Lowney’s talk last week on the African Pygmy Falcon and it was good to see so many younger people there, including students from Hartpury University. Our next talk is on Thursday 11th January, when our very own Gareth Jones will talk about his…
African Pygmy Falcon talk, 7th December
Our next talk is coming up soon, on Thursday 7th December, when Dr Anthony Lowney from Hartpury University will talk about the tiny African Pygmy Falcon – Africa’s smallest bird of prey. Anthony spent seven years in South Africa where he carried out his PhD and post-doc at the University of Cape Town and…
The Eurasian Hobby… and a study of their breeding in the Cotswolds
Richard is a lifelong birder and photographer who lives on the Cotswolds and has studied Hobbies there for many years.With great patience – and with help from landowners and gamekeepers – he has found many territories and nest sites. Richard will share his detailed knowledge of this notoriously secretive species,…