Our first talk of the 2018/19 winter period will be on Wednesday November 14th 2018 when we have Hugh Hanmer from the British Trust for Ornithology. Hugh is the leader of the BTO’s Project Owl, so do come along to hear about this amazing group of raptors – and also find out how you can help with Project Owl, which is a major initiative over several years to study our owl populations, their habits and habitats. You’ll also find out more about how GRMG are helping owls in the county.
Venue: Ribston Hall High School, Gloucester, GL1 5LE
Time 7:30pm (doors 7:00pm)
Tickets are limited and you will need to bring an electronic copy (or paper copy, though electronic is preferred) of your ticket on the evening. For this event we have opted for a ‘donation’ style ticketing service allowing you to choose the price of your ticket. We hope that this talk will prove to be a successful fundraiser – the money raised will be divided between GRMG and the BTO specifically for Project Owl. Tickets for our previous talks sell for around £5 per ticket – there’s a basic £5 price to make it easier when buying more than one ticket. Full details and tickets can be found here – we look forward to seeing you there.
Our second talk will be ‘Falcons’ with New Naturalist author Richard Sale on January 30th 2019 – full details will be available shortly but please save the date!
More details about Project Owl can found here.