Upcoming event: “Adventures with Rainforest Raptors”, Wed 27th March
The main feature is a talk and short film ‘To Find a Harpy’ with Natasha Ellison and Dan O’Neill, respectively a researcher and a wildlife film-maker who recently went to Guyana to search for a Harpy Eagle, and filmed their adventure. We will also hear from GRMG’s Jimmi Hill, who visited the Philippine Eagle…
Ten years of Peregrines at Cheltenham Christ Church
Followers of this blog will already be familiar with Dave Pearce’s regular updates on the lives of the Cheltenham Christ Church Peregrines. Dave has now kindly provided us with a ten year summary which replaces the previous seven year summary, with refreshed videos, information, data, prey species analysis, privileged views…
Our next talk – Falcons and the Arctic, Jan 30th – tickets on sale now
We’re delighted to announce that our next talk is on Wednesday 30th January at The Gala Club, Fairmile Gardens, Gloucester, GL2 9EB – doors open at 7:00pm for a 7:30 start. The speaker is Richard Sale, raptor researcher, Arctic enthusiast and author, and his New Naturalist book “Falcons” was described…
Christ Church Peregrine news from Dave Pearce
Many thanks to Dave Pearce for once again providing us with his year summary of the activities of the Christ Church Peregrines. Download this Word document for all the news from Dave, including photos and links to videos. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMI75gJCTSY&w=560&h=315]
Northern Goshawk, the phantom of the forest, an illustrated talk by Steve Watson
On Friday, 16th November Steve Watson will be giving an illustrated talk on Goshawks. Steve will cover the natural history of the goshawk, including its ecology, population dynamics, biology, foraging, courtship and breeding behaviour. This event is organised by the Forest of Dean Group of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. Entry…
Project Owl: GRMG Winter Talk
Our first talk of the 2018/19 winter period will be on Wednesday November 14th 2018 when we have Hugh Hanmer from the British Trust for Ornithology. Hugh is the leader of the BTO’s Project Owl, so do come along to hear about this amazing group of raptors – and also find out how…
Tewkesbury Abbey’s Peregrines
Since the first Peregrine was seen at the abbey tower in 2011, this year they have bred to produce a single chick – Paddington. The story of Alice, Bella, Christopher Robin and Paddington – the Peregrines of Tewkesbury Abbey can be read here (Word document).
Ravens 2018
The beginning of the nesting season always starts with “Raven time”. Ravens are early nesters often having eggs by mid-February. This season has been a mixed affair with some clutches abandoned due to the severe weather, possibly cutting off food supplies rather than affecting the nest itself, several pairs had a second…
The radical otherness of birds
One of our supporters has drawn our attention to this superb piece of writing by American novelist and columnist Jonathan Franzen. It’s about why birds matter and although many of the references are to New World species, the sentiments are universal.
Early season surveying
Scott Marshall has written some notes from the field detailing some of his experiences during surveying early in the breeding season. Click here to read (Word doc).